Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Click here for some early pictures of Molly. This is the same link found in the Welcome Home post. I'll try to post a link to recent pictures every once in a while.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Molly's First Bath

Hey every first is a big deal to us. She had a few baths in the hospital, but today was the first at home - in the kitchen sink.

Gavin's first bath was in this sink, and I am pretty sure we even used the same towel.

She doesn't seem to enjoy bath time as much as her big brother. She let out some good screams.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Welcome Home, Molly!

Today was quite an overwhelming day for all of us. Molly got to see her house, and her room, and her crazy dog, Dublin. Erin and I were overjoyed to bring her home. She's made it farther than we thought she would, and we couldn't be happier. We'll take each day as they come and do the best we can with whatever we face.

For now we're just really excited to be here, as a family.

Incidentally my T-shirt, which reads I [heart] Hot Moms, was a big hit on the maternity floor.

For a whole bunch of pictures from the hospital/our first days at home, please click here.

Friday, August 11, 2006

A Dose of Reality

We were very fortunate that Molly arrived safely. Her weight at birth was much more than expected, and she was breathing well on her own. All along the goal was to get her here so we could spend as much time together as possible. It's been a blessing.

However, the reality is that the condition with which she was prenatally diagnosed still exists. We've been so overjoyed by her just being here that at times I think we lose sight of that reality.
This morning we had a cardiologist from Children's Hospital come in for an echocardiogram. After her examination she confirmed what we were aware of all along: Molly has a fairly severe heart defect. The VSD we learned about in the early ultrasound is quite large, and there are a few other defects that we've learned about since.

Often times a VSD can correct itself. Also, in some cases, surgery can fix the defect. Additionally, there is medication that can help to slow down the effects. In our case, medication is the only plausible option. The hole is too large to correct itself. Surgery is painful and invasive, and with T18, it would only be a temporary fix. The medication can help regulate the blood flow, and slow her breathing.

She is strong. She seems healthy. All signs point to positive things. However, we always have to remember the real issue here. Doctors have indicated that her problems will present within 4-6 weeks. Honestly it's hard to think that far in advance.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Molly's Baptism

Father Pat, the priest from our church, came to the hospital tonight to baptize Molly. The unbelievable nurses at the hospital had been carrying around a post-it note with Father Pat's phone number on it so he could be called as soon as Molly was delivered. Since we were unsusre how long Molly would live, we had made arrangements in advance for this to take place at the hospital, as soon as possible.

As discussed, Father Pat came over right away Thursday night. And in a very special ceremony, in the hospital room, with most of our family (Erin, Sean, Gavin, Grandma and Grandpa, G-ma and G-pa, Colleen, Cara, Monica, and Jane - our delivery nurse) Molly was baptized at about 9 pm.

The gown Molly is wearing has been in Erin's family for something like 130 years. Over 40 people have worn it, including Erin's mom, Erin and all of her sisters, and Gavin.

The Long-Awaited Arrival of Molly Brown

Tonight, at 7:12 pm, Molly was delivered safely. She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She is a trooper.

She's a good size. Her breathing is good; her heart rate is good. So far all is well.

If things continue to go well we can take her home on Saturday morning.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Another Visit to the Doctor

We're now a week beyond the estimated due date and still nothing is happening. Molly's heartbeat is strong, Erin's vitals are all good, but Molly is not moving. She seems hesitant to get here.

We've decided, along with the doctors, to induce on Thursday morning. Hopefully by Thursday afternoon she will be here.

At this point Erin could still go into labor on her own. But we're not banking on it.

Off the the hospital Thursday morning.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Molly's Due Date

Today is Molly's official due date. We've been going to the doctor every seven or eight days the last few weeks to try and determine when she will make her appearance.

The visit today revealed she is in no big hurry to get here.

We go back in seven days.