Thursday, December 21, 2006

"Have You Updated the Blog Yet?"

I feel like I find myself apologizing more and more these days for falling behind on posts. Sometimes it just seems like I don't have anything significant to put up here, and rather than a boring three sentence update I just say nothing. Maybe I'll start making a priority of updating at least once every three days, even if not to say much at all. Or maybe I won't. We'll see what happens.

We went back to CHoP yesterday to have a pre-admission examination for Molly's surgery on January 9. At that time she will be getting a g tube, to replace the ng tube she currently has. Our understanding is that the only difference will be the comfort and convenience. The tube she currently has goes through her nose and down her throat. I am sure you can all imagine the discomfort that creates. She is often congested and frequently sneezes just from the tube being where it is. There is also a high likelihood that she could pull the g tube out through her nose - as she has done a couple times already - which requires us to re-insert the tube [by "us" I mean Erin; I just hold Molly down]. This tube will be tucked in her clothes and will relieve both of those issues.

The surgery itself is supposedly routine [as routine as any surgical procedure performed on a four month old, seven and one half pound baby can be] and should only have a recovery time of a few days. If all goes well we will be in and out of the hospital in the span of a couple days. However, if you recall, the heart surgery was supposed to be in and out as well, and we spent three weeks there. We'll hope for a quick discharge, but defer to what's best for her health, obviously.

I have some other posts brewing in my head. Some directly contradict things I have said already. It's a delicate balance. Plus, with millions of readers out there I would hate to post anything less than stellar.

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