Friday, December 01, 2006

Hips Don't Lie

So it seems Molly has mild to moderate hip dysplasia. We knew this a while ago, but chose to put off dealing with it while faced with more immediate concerns. We double-diapered her for a while, which is a casual method of treating dysplasia and is precisely what it sounds like: an extra diaper. But we even put that off for a while around the time we went in for her NG tube.

At any rate, Molly Bear is heading to the orthopedic doctor today. She had an ultrasound months ago, and even had an orthapedic appointment scheduled, but we're just now getting to it.

Many newborns have this condition, and in most cases it heals on its own or with little treatement. In some cases it may require a brace until the hips realign. It's not a huge issue.

This kid had heart surgery; she is not the slightest bit nervous about her doctor visit today. [she told me herself this morning]

She did have a whole bunch of shots the other day. She wasn't even that fussy afterwards. I think once you've been through what she had to go through, things don't hurt as much. I got a flu shot yesterday and I still feel like OB punched me in the arm. If you don't know OB you're missing out, but the point is he punches hard. And Molly is tough.

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