Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Karma Rears Its Congested Chest

Some people like to drive around looking at Christmas lights; some people like to visit antique stores; some people travel around collecting stickers from every town they visit. We go to hospitals. And they give us bracelets.

Because my little girl was born with the same sick sense of humor as her old man, we have postponed a third scheduled surgery. Molly's been sick for a few weeks, but she was getting better. We told them this over the phone yesterday. They scheduled us for first thing this morning and told us we would be a go for surgery unless she was really sick. So we got up this morning and drove down there at 4:30. Wouldn't you know it, she was more sick this morning than she has been for a week.

Molly was evaluated by a nurse, then by the head of cardiac anesthesiology, then by the surgeon. Everyone - including Molly's parents - agreed that this entirely elective surgery should wait until Molly is healthier. They assured us we could get in for surgery on 48 hours notice, and we should call when she is well so we can schedule it as soon as possible. In the meantime we're going to go to the pediatrician and see about some antibiotics to kick this thing.

Guess who has only sneezed once since we left the hospital? And I am not absolutely certain that wasn't actually a giggle.

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