Thursday, September 20, 2007

Television Debut

Many of you probably remember the triathlon fundraiser for the T18 Foundation, and the article that appeared in our local paper the day before the race? Well one of the local news stations must have picked up the article and decided we might make an interesting story for their show.

On August 15 Erin, Molly, me, and Victoria Miller from the T18 Foundation, filmed an 11 minute segment for Perspectives: New Jersey, which aired on August 18 at 5:30 am. I understand it has replayed a few times since then, which is great because I'd bet Erin and I were two of only about a dozen people who caught the opening show [we actually prolonged the start of our vacation one hour to see it].

The host did a great job of asking the right questions. We talked mostly about Molly and the challenges she faces, as well as about the challenges facing all T18 diagnoses. The fundraiser was only the very last thing we discussed, which was nice because all the previous topics should be more useful to the general public. We're hoping we can get a video of the show to put on the T18 web site, and of course, on here as well.

I should not go without saying how impressed I was by my wife. She gets extremely anxious when she has to speak in public or do anything where she is the focus of attention. Well she totally nailed it. She was unbelieveable. On top of looking incredible on screen she managed to speak eloquently about the condition and our experiences. She was simultaneously honest and knowledgeable. And she totally stole the show.

Of course Molly did quite well herself.

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