Thursday, September 20, 2007

You Mean He's Still Around?

Yes folks, I am still around. And I have to apologize for being such a slacker. I've actually had the nerve to fill my free time with things like -- well, actually, I don't really know.

So I promise to make this the first in a series of posts over the next several days relating to me, the new job, our family, television, vacation, politics, religion [hopefully some of you were paying attention? it can't possibly have been so long you'd forget the rules: no religion, no politics]. But I'll post on those other things soon.

First things first, Molly is doing great. She had a bit of a bug a couple weeks ago that lingered longer than we'd have liked, but she kicked it on her own (well with Erin taking super-good care of her, actually) and has now fully recovered. She's been quite happy since then. In fact, she might be the happiest baby on the planet. More on that later.

I know you guys have been checking in and I am sorry for the lapse. Thanks for staying on me to update. It's good motivation.

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