Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Healthy - Sick - Healthy

So Molly was doing well after kicking that nasty cold she had just after the new year. Last week when we went for shots she was fine. Then Thursday when we went to the GI she had a fever. As the days went by the fever went up rather than down and we returned to the pediatrician to find she most likely had a stomach bug.

The stomach bug caused her to dislike eating a bit, so we had to get back to the GI to find out how to alter her feeds appropriately - you see how these things spiral?

Well now she is back to healthy. At least she appears to be. She is happy and vocal and really that's how we measure her health these days.

The Bear has some big days coming up in the next couple weeks so, as always, please keep her in your thoughts and we'll keep you in the loop.

On Feb 12 she is having tubes put in her ears: this should be a fairly straightforward procedure, and hopefully we will not need to spend more than a day in the hospital. One never knows, however, so we'll just keep our fingers crossed. We're hoping this helps Molly's hearing and it will certainly help the doctors' ability to see into her ear canals to check for infections, etc.

On Feb 22 she is having a swallowing study done to ensure that she is swallowing safely. She had a feeding evaluation last week where the facilitator was very positive about her capability to progress toward solid food. We have some work to do to get her to that point, but if all goes well with the study we can start moving that way.

And in case you haven't been paying attention, the Giants are in the Super Bowl. Patriots fans need not visit this space until further notice.

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