Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Day After Surgery

Molly had a good night last night. She has not as good a day today. I think, like anything else, it hurts more the day after. They have taken her off morphine and started her on a lesser pain medication. Obviously they don't want her to be in pain, but they can't overdo the pain meds either. She is currently in Erin's arms - screaming her head off.

All in all she looks good though. There is some talk of moving her to a step-down room tonight, but we'll have to wait and see. If she is still as uncomfortable as she is now, it seems odd they'd move her. Hopefully she'll be able to come home by the weekend.

She started on formula last night and has been tolerating her feeds well. Some of her discomfort could be from the food - starting again after not eating for almost an entire day? I'm not a doctor, what do I know?

Miraculously, in this gigantic hospital there is no place to pick up a wireless signal.

Erin and I got to stay in a Family Sleep Room last night. It's a little misleading. If they were to call it a Medium-sized Individual Sleep Closet you'd have a better idea of what it looked like: twin bed, chair (basically on the bed), one light. I could touch all four walls from the center of the room. But I slept like a rock - at least from 8 pm until 9:30 and then from 10 -3. Otheriwse not so much. But I shouldn't complain because the alternative to a FSR is a recliner in a public lounge or a bench down in the lobby.

Highlight of the night was dinner. The Greek Lady delivered up a gyro, souvlaki and some baklava. She will be called upon again tonight. If you're ever in the neighborhood, I highly recommend it.

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