Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Single Room

After some extended periods of fussiness, and a skyrocketing 104 fever, the doctors decided to move Molly to a private room at about 8 pm last night. They were thinking she may be getting too much stimulation with all the lights and alarms and people hustling about in the four-pod room she was in. Erin and I returned from dinner to an empty pod, and were quickly ushered to her new location. I'd be lying if I told you my heart didn't drop in that few seconds it took for someone to tell us what was going on. Her fever broke at about 4 am. She has been pretty good since then.

Her new room is huge. However, she won't be there long. After morning rounds the doctors decided to move her from the CICU and into a regular room at some point today. Erin got to stay with her last night, and I enjoyed one more night in a Sleep Room. Unfortunately the combination of karma (you'll recall I badmouthed these rooms in this space yesterday) and a new couple who were obviously not apprised of procedure, almost prohibited me from sleeping at all. You fill out an application in the morning and by 2 pm they determine who will be offered the five available rooms. That room is then yours from 7 to 7. Yesterday mine was room #4. At 10:30 pm when I went in to go to sleep, the door was locked. Someone decided to just go ahead and take a room. Fortunately there was another empty and they offered me that one. So even though I plan to go home tonight I went ahead and filled out an application for a room this morning. Challenging karma yet again. Erin says there is something wrong with me.

Luckily my mom has been staying at our house and taking care of Dublin. Also, since she is there, she was able to deal with our broken refrigerator. When it rains it pours they say, and in this case it poured from the full ice bin that melted once the freezer stopped working. Someone is going out to look at it this morning, but doesn't it just figure? Thank goodness for moms.

Back to Molly Bear. She is now resting comfortably in her huge room. Erin is sitting with her enjoying the quiet. I'll head home tonight, into work tomorrow morning, and up to Boston tomorrow afternoon. I'll be back here by lunch on Saturday and will try to write an update then...once I figure out what's going on. In the absolute best case, I'll be able to write it from home - with everyone there.

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