Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm Lovin' It

I’m just returning from the highest grossing McDonald’s in the US. After I wrote the last post about McDonald’s I had a friend tell me how the journal he kept while traveling in Europe talked about how he ate in McDonald’s everywhere he went, and even told what he ate. I would hate for this space to turn into that, but I couldn’t let this go.

You may recall me describing the scene from my last visit: A young lady handed me milk and coffee and I wondered if she actually thought I ordered milk and coffee. Just now I went down and ordered, “a large coffee with milk and two apple pies.” A completely different young lady asked me if I wanted a milk and a coffee. I guess that answers my question.

Incidentally it also came out to $1.82. The other night it was $1.75 for the exact same thing. Highest grossing McDonald’s in the US.

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