Friday, March 30, 2007

Late Night Molly Update

Molly had a pretty good day today. I got here at about 6 pm and got the full download from the day time nurse.

So far tonight she's had a rough time. Oddly, she's been throwing up a lot.

The doctors have decided to discontinue her feeds for now in hopes that she'll stop. Her cough is pretty loose, so it may be that that's upsetting her stomach. Her lungs sound really clear, however, so it seems the coughing is helping.

She's on the nasal cannula and her numbers are good. They're going to let her sleep with that cannula, as opposed to the CPAP, and see how things go.

Right now she is coolin' in her bouncy chair, which is in the crib, and watching her mobile that we brought from home. I am not sure why she won't go to sleep, but she won't. And if she keeps coughing and chucking, I won't either.

There were two separate "Code Purple" calls a little while ago. Both on this floor; on the other side. I came to find out that Purple is for something happening to someone who is not a patient. The two calls were unrelated to one another, and in very close proximity. Maybe they both had the fish for dinner? "Code Orange" is a bomb threat. So while I am concerned for the two Purples, and I hope they're ok, I won't be reacting to anything short of an Orange.

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