Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Vesicoureteral Reflux and the Voiding Cystourethrogram

Doesn't that sound like some twisted Grimm fairy tale? Well it's actually the procedure Molly had this morning, and the condition they were testing for. You can learn more about it here.

It turns out Molly does have some reflux from the bladder. It means the urine is leaving the bladder and some is heading up toward the kidneys. This can cause chronic urinary tract infections (you may recall that was what landed Molly in RWJ two weeks ago, and what prompted this test), and possibly kidney infections. The doctor said on a scale of 1 to 5, Molly's condition is probably a 3.5.

She'll be treated with low-dose antibiotics for up to a year. Then we would have a follow up. In many cases these conditions clear up on their own. Molly's is not terrbily severe, so as long as the antibiotics work there should be very little to worry about.

Tomorrow it's back down to CHoP for the g tube follow up.

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