Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Back at CHoP

So we're back down at Children's Hospital now and Molly did not have a very good night. It seems she was having some trouble breathing, even with the help of the oxygen, and required some additional assistance. They put her in a little tent that acts like a humidifier, and traps all the oxygen in so she can use it more effectively. Unfortunately it's like sitting in a greenhouse so it's fairly uncomfortable for her as far as body temperature. They removed the tent a little while ago and she is breathing more or less entirely on her own. She seems a bit more comfortable as well.

The doctors mentioned something fairly interesting this morning. Apparently the fluid in the left lung that they detected on the x-ray may well have been the partially collapsed lung she has had all along. It seems odd that the cardiologist would have heard what she thought to be fluid, when no one else had, and actually be wrong. But that remains a possibility. The doctors here are monitoring the situation. If it';s not pneumonia, and just the collapsed lung, then they'll have to keep working to find the actual cause of this long illness.

She is currently on fluid only and no formula. There is some concern that the milk-based formula can add to her congestion, and there is also a concern about aspiration since she is so congested and tends to spit up more feeds as a result. Part of the discomfort she is experiencing right now may well be hunger.

That's the latest update from down here. I'll post again when I have some more information.

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