Tuesday, February 20, 2007

She Should Be Home Already

Molly had a really good weekend. She was back to full strength, full volume feeds for the better part of Saturday and all day Sunday. She was being weaned off oxygen, and was comfortably working down to none. On Monday morning it seemed that the most likely scenario was that she would be going home that afternoon, and taking some oxygen with her.

Then she spit up.

A lot.

And her belly got really big and hard as a rock.

So I left the hospital knowing she would have to stay another day. But I didn't realize they had taken her from full feeds to IV fluids only. They also took her for a procedure to check on her colon and intestines, to find out what was going on in that big, solid belly. All of this made for a very trying day for the Bear and her mother. And getting all worked up makes it more difficult to breathe, and thus unlikely they would try weaning her from oxygen. In fact, they gave her a bit more to keep her comfortable.

You see how quickly things spiral out of control?

Ultimately she had a pretty good night last night and has been doing well today. Unfortunately, as of this afternoon, she is still on IV fluids only. The build-up from there to full strength/full volume feeds takes a day and a half. So if all goes well we would be looking at a Thursday discharge.

But we know better.

The good news is that she is feeling well and is in good spirits.

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