Friday, February 09, 2007

Journalistic Integrity

Don't get me wrong this space is filled with contradiction and creative exaggeration, but it's been brought to my attention that there are some blatant inaccuracies in my recent posts, and additionally some confusing medical information. For the sake of journalistic integrity I will attempt to clear these up through the following addendums:

1. The flood. As it turns out the flood only effected a couple offices on this floor. When my colleague called to ask what I needed from my office it was purely precautionary. There were offices actively flooding, and there was an inch of water on the floor in certain spots. Neither of these things apply to me. In fact, as I survey my office for the first time since the incident, with the exception of a variety of personal items missing, there is no indication of any tpe of disaster.

2. Pneumonia. Molly officially does NOT have pneumonia. The x-ray from Princeton showed a spot that the technician assumed to be pneumonia - based on the diagnosis from our cardiologist/pediatrician. When we got to CHoP and the doctors compared her x-rays with those taken during her last stay, it seemed there was very little difference. When they took a new set of x-rays they confirmed that there was no change since her stay just after heart surgery.

3. The spot presumed to be pneumonia. This spot is actually a small section of her left lung, which partially collapsed after heart surgery. In some cases they spring back. In her case it likely will not. We knew about the collapsed lung all along but it appears I never mentioned it.

4. How sick is she currently? Molly has a lower respiratory infection, which is viral. It could be any number of actual viruses, and we will probably find out exactly which one soon. For now all that is really important to know is that since it is viral it is not likely to respond to any medication. It just needs to run its course. She is breathing comfortably with the help of some oxygen. She is eating normally. She doesn't seem particularly uncomfortable.

Last night they moved Molly to a shared room. This is the first time since her immediate recovery from surgery that she has been in a room that was not private. Tonight I am going to stay down there and I would be lying if I said I was the slightest bit happy about being in a shared room. Erin says it's not so bad, but I don't really believe her.

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