Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bears and Colts

On March 29, 1984, under cover of snow and darkness, Robert Isray, owner of the Baltimore Colts, packed the entire organization into Mayflower trucks and relocated to Indianapolis. On February 23, 2007, minus the snow, Erin and I busted Molly Bear out of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and relocated to central New Jersey. In both cases, the move was kept a big secret until the next morning.

Around dinner time last night Erin was informed that Molly would be discharged after she had her evening meds and her 6 pm feed. So I arrived around 7:30, made two trips to the car with all the stuff we accumulated over nearly three weeks there, and by 8:30 we were all on our way home.

Molly had a good night sleep last night, in her own bed. Same goes for everyone else in the house (well, except Gavin because he slept at Grandma and Grandpa's).

She brought some oxygen home with her, which we're only going to use as necessary. This, of course, requires another monitor and some wires. So the home care company delivered two huge oxygen tanks and they will deliver this machine to monitor her breathing. We'll have a regular hospital room set up here in no time.

Molly is also on a whole bunch of medication. I am not sure what they all do, but there are five of them. I am quite certain I have never picked up five prescriptions from Walgreens before.

More to come. Right now we're just all enjoying being home.

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